Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ramping up

We're loading up the Sonata for an anticipated 3500 mile journey through much of the Midwest and great plains. From our home near Knoxville, TN, we expect to visit between 8 and 13 states and maybe a short jaunt into Ontario.

Planned stops are in Marion, IL, Kansas City, MO, Mt. Rushmore, SD and Rhinelander, WI. Other destinations in the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Michigan and Ohio will be considered as well.

Today is our final loading and packing day - with just Mary and I and a loosely planned itinerary, there is no telling where we might go and what we might see. Come along for the ride, it might be fun.


  1. isn't it funny how a simple trip can turn into quite an adventure when you have the time. Will and I had talked about getting in the car and just driving west just seeing what we see and stopping whenever we want with no real destination in mind. That will be many years from now, though since it was planned as a "no kids" adventure. Have fun! And take lots of pictures!

  2. Have a great trip! I am looking forward to some zany tales in the near future. One tip for the road... a pig truck is not a good thing to get caught behind... BEWARE

  3. thanks for allowing us to enjoy the trip vicariously!

  4. Happy trails — We're looking forward to the stories!! And Trish, can we join you on that trip?! Maybe sooner rather than later...I'm thinking that your dad and Mary would just love to take all of our kids for the duration of next summer. They could stick 'em in a Yurt (it's round, so I think it fits code for out that way) in the back yard...

    Kate, Kas, Nico and Nadia

  5. Dream on Kate! I'm gonna charge for all future grandchild visits in excess of 1 hour - LOL
